Summer 2020 is a unique one in Habonim Dror North America history, with machanot meeting virtually or for day camps during the coronavirus pandemic. We’re asking our dedicated madrichimot what it’s been like to continue to #LeadTheHaboWay during this unprecedented time.
Why did you choose to be a madrichol this summer?
I chose to be a madrichol this summer because I felt that it was super important to create a way for chanichimot to feel connected to and supported by their Mosh community. Growing up as a chanichol, going to Mosh during the summer was vital for me: I looked forward to the summer all year. I wanted to ensure that chanichimot who feel the same way I felt are able to still connect with their peers and the Mosh community as a whole this summer, despite our inability to physically be at Mosh.
How does it feel to meet chanichimot during this specific summer?
It’s bittersweet! Of course, we would all love to be meeting together at our favorite place, truly being together and experiencing Mosh magic, but it also feels really special to see how our community can adapt and support each other in crazy circumstances such as this one.
Describe a peula you ran where you felt like you were making a difference for the chanichimot.
This week we ran a peula on self care, and ways to deal with stress or anxiety during quarantine. It was a silly activity, we played JustDance, and made DIY face masks, but it gave the chanichimot a chance to connect with tzevet and also with their friends, which felt really important. The best part of Mosh, as it’s said again and again, is the people, and it felt really special that chanichimot, and the younger chanichimot especially, are able to connect with the people that make Mosh special for them.