Tisha B’av 5774

Tisha B’av, תשעה באב, the summer holy day commemorating Destruction and Renewal, challenges us as educators, Jews, and human beings every year. We hope these resources can aid you in your personal and communal observance of this day. Especially this summer, reflecting on this chag and current events, we are faced with its relevance. Conflict and injustice surround us. We must continue to learn, hope, and find ways to join as a Jewish people and as humankind to combat these recurring tragedies in search for peace and equality. Click here for the Tisha B’av 5774 Resources.

We wanted to send this out as early as possible for the resources to be useful to you all, especially those of you at machanot. We intend to send out some supplemental materials in the next two weeks before the chag.
Alu v’hagshemu,
The Mazkirut Artzit

Posted in Blog, Resources.